Taking Control of Stories

Over the past few weeks I've had a busy time running between personal projects, jobs and work I do as an admin for Igers Coventry & Warwickshire. A big part of all this work was utilising one of instagram's growing feautres...stories.

Through Igers Coventry & Warwickshire I got the opportunity to do solo takeovers for Coombe Abbey Hotel twice as well as a Cov Bloggers takeover. This was all through their instagram stories and each scenario had it's unique challenges.

First was the Coombe Abbey Instameet which was organised as part of English Tourism week, where the hotel allowed a group of us to photograph various parts of the hotel and grounds including a sneak peak at the new Go Ape and shooting inside the hotel (not usually allowed). As I was the only admin on site I had to do stories while also trying to take my own photos.

I think it came out pretty well but I wish I had 3 hands, more data and time so that I could have done everything I wanted to. The biggest challenge with stories I think is having to think vertically instead of the horizontal view you get with "true" video, as well as thinking on the fly how your story is coming together.

Thinking on the fly definitely came into play with the second and third takeover which happened the same day. I was given access to the Coombe Abbey Hotel stories again as well as the Cov Bloggers during the same event which was a press day with a little difference...being on tight wires, zip lines and various balancing acts. Now imagine getting your phone out to take pictures when you have a fear of heights and you have my crazy self challenge.

With the stories I didn't want them to look like the same thing so I ensured that I was only using the content on each account once while making my around all the loops. By some miracle I survived (wasn't really a miracle, the Go Ape course is amazingly safe) and more importantly my phone didn't get dropped from a great height...winning!

Coombe Abbey loved their story so much they featured it on their story highlights. You can view what I got up to on their feed.

The Cov Bloggers story I saved which also features some of the other bloggers going around the course. You can view that below.

Goes without saying that Go Ape was an awesome (yet terrifying) experience. I might do it again if pushed haha.

I recommend wearing a cup if you're a guy...

The Herbert - Wildlife Photographer of the Year takeover

There was one final takeover I took part in and that was part of a collaboration between The Herbert and Cov Bloggers. This allowed me to take over the instagram feed of the Herbert and give some of my thoughts on the exhibit that's open for visitors until June. I can't recommend it enough.

Visit their instagram feed to see my thoughts and find the time to visit the exhibit it's well worth the trip.

That is just a peak into some of what I've had the chance to do the last few weeks.

I am definitely going to continue to use stories whenever I get the chance as it provides a chance for quick story telling but also a challenge in choosing what tool to use from the powerhouse that is a modern phone.

If you’re in the process of putting together an event and could use a photographer, get in touch and let’s discuss how I could help capture the event for you including the stories that are shown on your instagram feed during the event.


Guess who threw a "Portrait Party"?


Birmingham Enterprise Community Launch